12th Fail

12th Fail

Thất Bại Lần Thứ 12 (2023)
Full HD - Multi-Subtitles

Directors: Vidhu Vinod Chopra
Actors: Vikrant Massey, Medha Shankar, Joshi Anantvijay, Anshuman Pushkar, Geeta Agrawal Sharma, Harish Khanna, Sarita Joshi, Priyanshu Chatterjee, Vikas Divyakirti, Abhishek Sengupta, Triaksh Chhabra, Darius Chinoy, Vijay Kumar Dogra, Fasi Khan, Sam Mohan, Rahul Dev Shetty, Suraj Naagar, Sanjay Bishnoi
Genres: Movies, Drama,
Country: India,
Time: 2 hours 27 minutes
Release Year: 2023
Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Jaskunwar Kohli, Anurag Pathak

10 / 1 Point
Movie Synopsis

12th Fail (2023) - Embracing Destiny

In the world of cinema, there are stories that are purely fictional and then there are those that are inspired by the remarkable joueys of real individuals. "12th Fail," directed by an acclaimed filmmaker, takes us on a gripping and inspirational ride based on the true story of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma. This film brings to light the idea of fearlessly embracing one's destiny, despite setbacks and challenges, and the resilience needed to reclaim one's path in life.

Set in the backdrop of one of the most demanding and competitive examinations in the world, the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission), "12th Fail" captures the essence of determination, hard work, and the undying spirit to succeed against all odds. This review will delve deeper into the various aspects of the film, its compelling storyline, exceptional performances, and the underlying message that makes it a must-watch.

Embracing the True Story:

"12th Fail" draws its strength from the true story of Manoj Kumar Sharma, who defied the odds to become an IPS officer. The movie beautifully portrays his jouey, from facing academic setbacks in his early years to ultimately succeeding in one of India's most challenging examinations. This inspiring narrative serves as the foundation upon which the entire film is built.

The plot navigates through the highs and lows of Manoj's life, effectively capturing the emotional turmoil he undergoes during his preparation for the UPSC exam. His unwavering determination and the support of his family become the driving force behind his pursuit of success. The film's ability to bring out the authenticity of this real-life tale is commendable.

Exceptional Performances:

The success of "12th Fail" can be largely attributed to the outstanding performances of its cast. The lead actor, portraying Manoj Kumar Sharma, delivers a compelling and heartfelt performance that truly tugs at the audience's heartstrings. His portrayal of the character's struggles, triumphs, and inner conflicts is nothing short of exceptional.

The supporting cast also plays a pivotal role in bringing the story to life. Each character is well-defined and contributes significantly to the narrative's progression. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, making the audience emotionally invested in their jouey.

Visuals and Cinematography:

The film's visuals and cinematography are another highlight worth mentioning. The director's vision is effectively translated onto the screen, with each frame beautifully capturing the essence of the story. From the scenic landscapes to the intense study sessions, every aspect is visually appealing.

The use of lighting and camera angles is skillfully done to convey the emotional depth of the characters. The examination scenes, in particular, are shot with precision, effectively portraying the pressure and anxiety that candidates face during such high-stakes tests.

Soundtrack and Score:

The music and soundtrack of "12th Fail" complement the narrative perfectly. The film features a mix of soulful melodies and motivational tracks that enhance the viewing experience. The background score, in particular, adds to the emotional depth of the story, evoking a range of feelings in the audience.

A Message of Resilience:

At its core, "12th Fail" delivers a powerful message of resilience and the belief that one can overcome any obstacle with determination and hard work. It resonates with viewers of all ages and backgrounds, serving as an inspiration to those who may be facing their own challenges in life.

The film encourages us to reevaluate our own pursuits and to not be discouraged by initial failures. It emphasizes that the path to success is not always smooth but requires perseverance and unwavering dedication.


In conclusion, "12th Fail" is a captivating and emotionally charged film that brings to light the extraordinary jouey of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma. With exceptional performances, stunning visuals, and a powerful message of resilience, this movie is a must-watch for anyone seeking inspiration and motivation.

This review only scratches the surface of what "12th Fail" has to offer. It's a cinematic masterpiece that not only entertains but also leaves a lasting impact. "12th Fail" teaches us that failure is not the end, but merely a stepping stone on the path to success. It reminds us that with determination and the right mindset, we can overcome any obstacle in our pursuit of our dreams.

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