Cave Rescue
Based on the true nail-biting mission that captivated the world. An inteational team of elite divers is mobilized to rescue a boys soccer team trapped in a cave by rising floodwaters.
Cave Rescue
Cứu Hộ Hang Động (2022)
- Full HD - Multi-Subtitles
- Katrina Grose, Don Linder, Tom Waller
Directors: Tom Waller
Actors: Apa Bhavilai, Erik Brown, Lawrence de Stefano, Saman Gunan, James Edward Holley, Obie Matthew, Ekawat Niratvorapanya, Nopadol Niyomka, Eoin O*Brien, Mikko Paasi, Armin Parvin, Treechada Petcharat, Todd Ruiz, Jumpa Saenprom, Nirut Sirichanya, August Sombatkamrai, Ben Svasti Thomson, Jim Warny
Genres: Movies, Adventure,
Country: Thailand,
Time: 1 hours 39 minutes
Release Year: 2022
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Based on the true nail-biting mission that captivated the world. An inteational team of elite divers is mobilized to rescue a boys soccer team trapped in a cave by rising floodwaters.