Full HD Following


Following (1998)
Full HD Multi-Subtitles

Following: A Harmless Trap Unveiled Following, Christopher Nolan's directorial debut, is a daring foray into the psychological thriller genre, taking viewers on a jouey alongside Bill, an unemployed man with a half-baked writing passion. A seemingly harmless trap Bored with his monotonous life, Bill finds a strange amusement: following random strangers on the streets of London. Initially, stalking is just a harmless pastime, providing...

Directors: Christopher Nolan
Actors: Jeremy Theobald, Alex Haw, Lucy Russell, John Nolan, Dick Bradsell, Gillian El-Kadi, Jennifer Angel, Nicolas Carlotti, Darren Ormandy, Guy Greenway, Tassos Stevens, Tristan Martin, Rebecca James, Paul Mason, David Bovill, John Bengue, Ivan Cornell, Jane Hunter
Release Year: 1998
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