Argument Who Deserves the Name of a Hero (Heroes 2022) begins the story around Vuong Tieu Thach (played by Tang Thuan Hy) a kind and gentle teenager who lived for a long time in the high mountains. One day, he decided to go down the mountain to lea new things and a certain fate that he met with Bach Sou Phi (played by Luu Vu Ninh), Wen Nhu (played by Duong Sieu Viet), and Lei Than (played by Duong Sieu Viet). Mencius (played by Mencius) and then made a frateal relationship to be bo and die together. Being in Phong Van Te Hoi - the place known as the Imperial City in the Gypsy, contains the story of becoming a "Hero" that has made the male lead Luan Who Deserves the Heroic Name and his brethren excited and yeaing to conquer the world. restore martial arts to the world.
- Completed - Multi-Subtitles
Actors: Joseph Zeng, Yang Chaoyue, Liu Yuning, Meng Ziyi, Baron Chen, Sun Zujun
Genres: TV-Series, Drama,
Country: China, Other,
Time: 53 minutes
Release Year: 2022
Argument Who Deserves the Name of a Hero (Heroes 2022) begins the story around Vuong Tieu Thach (played by Tang Thuan Hy) a kind and gentle teenager who lived for a long time in the high mountains. One day, he decided to go down the mountain to lea new things and a certain fate that he met with Bach Sou Phi (played by Luu Vu Ninh), Wen Nhu (played by Duong Sieu Viet), and Lei Than (played by Duong Sieu Viet). Mencius (played by Mencius) and then made a frateal relationship to be bo and die together. Being in Phong Van Te Hoi - the place known as the Imperial City in the Gypsy, contains the story of becoming a "Hero" that has made the male lead Luan Who Deserves the Heroic Name and his brethren excited and yeaing to conquer the world. restore martial arts to the world.
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