"Maboroshi" is a mysterious story revolving around a horrifying event at a factory that mysteriously freezes the town. In this context, two young students encounter a wild child with an inexplicable mystery, sparking powerful emotions of love driven by the disappointments in their daily lives.
The horrifying event at the factory creates an atmosphere of mystery, freezing the town and uncovering unexpected discoveries. As the town veils itself in the darkness of freezing, two young students come across a wild child with inexplicable traits. The appearance of this child is not only mysterious but also serves as a powerful inspiration for love blossoming between them.
Their daily lives, filled with disappointments, begin to undergo transformation as their feelings for each other develop. "Maboroshi" is not just a story about a mysterious event but also a jouey of love, where disappointment is replaced by hope and discovery.
- Full HD - Multi-Subtitles
- Mari Okada
Directors: Mari Okada
Actors: Junya Enoki, Reina Ueda, Misaki Kuno, Zeke Alton, Felecia Angelle, Kirsten Day, Robbie Daymond, Madeline Dorroh, Brandon Engman, David Errigo Jr., Lizzie Freeman, Yukiyo Fujii, Tasuku Hatanaka, Kento Hayashi, River Kanoff, Maki Kawase, Andrew Kishino, Daiki Kobayashi
Genres: Movies, Sci-Fi, Drama,
Country: Japan,
Time: 1 hours 51 minutes
Release Year: 2024
"Maboroshi" is a mysterious story revolving around a horrifying event at a factory that mysteriously freezes the town. In this context, two young students encounter a wild child with an inexplicable mystery, sparking powerful emotions of love driven by the disappointments in their daily lives.
The horrifying event at the factory creates an atmosphere of mystery, freezing the town and uncovering unexpected discoveries. As the town veils itself in the darkness of freezing, two young students come across a wild child with inexplicable traits. The appearance of this child is not only mysterious but also serves as a powerful inspiration for love blossoming between them.
Their daily lives, filled with disappointments, begin to undergo transformation as their feelings for each other develop. "Maboroshi" is not just a story about a mysterious event but also a jouey of love, where disappointment is replaced by hope and discovery.