Nothing Uncovered
"Nothing Uncovered" is a popular television series revolving around the life of Seo Jung Won, a joualist and renowned news anchor with the program "Let’s Get Grabbed by the Collar." With a straightforward and fearless style, Seo Jung Won always exposes wrongdoing in society through her online news segments. Her fame continues to soar, attracting attention from the public.
However, Jung Won';;;;;s life is tued upside down when she is unexpectedly accused of murder. To prove her innocence, she is forced to collaborate with Kim Tae Huyn, an outstanding detective in the violent crime unit. Throughout this process, they must confront numerous challenges and dangers.
Additionally, Jung Won';;;;;s family life faces turmoil as she deals with a series of events involving her husband, Seol Woo Jae—a second-generation novelist and chaebol. Despite appearing perfect on the surface, Woo Jae feels empty and dissatisfied inside. The relationship between them begins to crack under the darkness of secrets and deceit.
"Nothing Uncovered" is not only an entertaining television series but also a story of inspiration, resilience, and the fight for justice and truth. With talented performances and an exciting storyline, this series promises to captivate audiences from start to finish.
Nothing Uncovered
- Complected - Multi-Subtitles
Actors: Kim Ha-neul, Yeon Woo-jin, Jang Seung-jo, Jeong Woong-in, Yoon Jung-Hoon, Kim Seung-hun
Genres: TV-Series, Drama,
Country: Korea,
Release Year: 2024
"Nothing Uncovered" is a popular television series revolving around the life of Seo Jung Won, a joualist and renowned news anchor with the program "Let’s Get Grabbed by the Collar." With a straightforward and fearless style, Seo Jung Won always exposes wrongdoing in society through her online news segments. Her fame continues to soar, attracting attention from the public.
However, Jung Won';;;;;s life is tued upside down when she is unexpectedly accused of murder. To prove her innocence, she is forced to collaborate with Kim Tae Huyn, an outstanding detective in the violent crime unit. Throughout this process, they must confront numerous challenges and dangers.
Additionally, Jung Won';;;;;s family life faces turmoil as she deals with a series of events involving her husband, Seol Woo Jae—a second-generation novelist and chaebol. Despite appearing perfect on the surface, Woo Jae feels empty and dissatisfied inside. The relationship between them begins to crack under the darkness of secrets and deceit.
"Nothing Uncovered" is not only an entertaining television series but also a story of inspiration, resilience, and the fight for justice and truth. With talented performances and an exciting storyline, this series promises to captivate audiences from start to finish.