Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Lightning Strikers

Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Lightning Strikers

Siêu Nhân Cuồng Phong (2003)
Complected - Multi-Subtitles

Directors: John Laing
Actors: Pua Magasiva, Sally Martin, Glenn McMillan, Adam Tuominen, Jorgito Vargas Jr., Jason Chan, Grant McFarland
Genres: TV-Series, Action, Adventure, Family,
Country: U.S,
Time: 1h 19 minutes
Release Year: 2003

6 / 1 Point
Movie Synopsis

Every Ranger knows you should never trust an evil space Ninja, but Choobo scores with a scheme that changes the balance of power in the universe! Hunter and Blake are warped into thinking the Wind Rangers are their enemies. The resulting Megazord battles and Toxipod tangles land all the Rangers on a sinking island to sort things out by battling each other! There's a cold wind blowing toward a knock-down, drag-out fight when Choobo takes the Scroll of Empowerment in hand. Only the combined force of a super Thunderstorm Megazord could defeat this twisted evil

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