The Monkey King: The Legend Begins
The Monkey King: The Legend Begins is the re-imagined version by Hollywood of the film The Monkey King: Havoc in Heavens Palace, the origin and birthplace of The Monkey King Story.
The Monkey King: The Legend Begins
Tề Thiên Đại Thánh: Sự Khởi Đầu Của Huyền Thoại (2022)
- Trailer - Multi-Subtitles
- Edmond Wong
Directors: Soi Cheang
Actors: Donnie Yen, Chow Yun-Fat, Aaron Kwok, Peter Ho, Yitian Hai, Kelly Chen, Calvin Ka-Sing Cheng, Eddie Cheung, Kei Gambit, Him Law, Zitong Xia, Zilin Zhang
Genres: New Movies, Action, Sci-Fi,
Country: China,
Time: 1 hours 30 minutes
Release Year: 2022
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The Monkey King: The Legend Begins is the re-imagined version by Hollywood of the film The Monkey King: Havoc in Heavens Palace, the origin and birthplace of The Monkey King Story.