The Lightning Tree (Raiou)
Set during the Edo Period, a young man from a noble family meets a young woman under a special tree called "Raiou" (the tree was struck by lightning at one time with the broken part eventually sprouting out cherry blossoms). The young woman lived freely in the mountains after she was abducted as a young child. The couple soon fall in love under the Raiou tree, but become acutely aware of their different social positions & the ramifications it has on their relationship.
The Lightning Tree (Raiou)
- Full HD - Multi-Subtitles
- Masato Kato, Sachiko Tanaka, Mari Ueza
Directors: Ryûichi Hiroki
Actors: Yû Aoi, Masaki Okada, Pîtâ, Tasuku Emoto, Ren Ôsugi, Yoshiko Miyazaki, Kengo Kôra, Risa Sudou, Akira Emoto, Jun Murakami, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Shûgo Oshinari, Takumi Bando, Ryûya Wakaba, Sôkô Wada, Keisuke Koide, Saburô Tokitô, Takao Handa
Genres: Movies, Romantic,
Country: Japan,
Time: 2 hours 13 minutes
Release Year: 2010
Set during the Edo Period, a young man from a noble family meets a young woman under a special tree called "Raiou" (the tree was struck by lightning at one time with the broken part eventually sprouting out cherry blossoms). The young woman lived freely in the mountains after she was abducted as a young child. The couple soon fall in love under the Raiou tree, but become acutely aware of their different social positions & the ramifications it has on their relationship.