Full HD Air


Air (2005)
Complected Multi-Subtitles

"Air" (2005) is an anime series belonging to the romance, drama, and supeatural genres, based on the visual novel of the same name by Key. The series follows the life of Yukito Kunisaki, a penniless traveler who arrives in a small town in search of the "girl in the sky" he lost in a piece of a broken doll. During his search, he encounters three girls with special abilities: Misuzu Kamio, Kano Kirishima, and Minagi Tohno. The story unfolds around the...

Actors: Aya Hisakawa, Daisuke Ono, Nobutoshi Canna, Kikuko Inoue, Ryoka Yuzuki, Yumi Touma, Tomoko Kawakami, Chinami Nishimura, Yukari Tamura
Release Year: 2005
10 / 1 Point
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