Full HD
Hidden Strike
Vùng Xanh (2023)
- Full HD Multi-Subtitles
- Hidden Strike (2023) - An Explosive Jouey Through the Abyss of War In the heart-pounding action-thriller Hidden Strike, two elite soldiers find themselves thrust into a perilous mission that will test their courage and resilience like never before. With a masterful blend of heart-stopping suspense and adrenaline-pumping sequences, the film takes audiences on a breathtaking jouey through the ravages of war. Helmed by a visionary director, Hidden...
Directors: Scott Waugh
Actors: Jackie Chan, John Cena, Pilou Asbæk, Zhenwei Wang, Rachael Holoway, Amadeus Serafini, Rima Zeidan, Max Huang, Minghao Hou, Chunrui Ma, Li Ma, Jun Gong, Tazito Garcia, Nadine Leon Gobet, Michael Koltes, Tim Man, Wenli Jiang, Lee Huang
Release Year: 2023
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