Full HD Star Wars: The Acolyte

Star Wars: The Acolyte

Star Wars: The Acolyte (2024)
Completed Multi-Subtitles

Star Wars: The Acolyte is a promising new film in the Star Wars universe, delivering a gripping and unexpected story. The movie follows a respected Jedi Master who embarks on an investigation into a series of shocking crimes, leading him to confront a dangerous warrior from his past. This jouey takes them down a dark path, where sinister forces gradually reveal themselves, shaking everything they once believed in. The story begins as the Jedi Master...

Directors: Leslye Headland
Actors: Amandla Stenberg, Lee Jung-jae, Leah Brady, Carrie-Anne Moss, Jodie Turner-Smith, Joonas Suotamo, Charlie Barnett, Dafne Keen, Dean-Charles Chapman
Release Year: 2024
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