Full HD The Plot

The Plot

Bẫy Nuốt Mạng (2024)
Full HD Multi-Subtitles

"The Plot" revolves around Young-il, a master planner who expertly tus assassination attempts into seemingly perfect accidents. Taking on a new case involving a prominent political figure constantly in the public eye, Young-il and his team—Jackie, Wol-cheon, and Jeom-man—face unexpected challenges beyond their predictions. A notable aspect of "The Plot" lies not only in its gripping storyline but also in its sophisticated cinematic...

Directors: Lee Yo-sup
Actors: Gang Dong-won, Lee Moo-saeng, Lee Mi-sook, Lee Hyun-wook, Tang Joon-sang, Kim Hong-pa, Jung Eun-chae, Kim Shin-rock, Lee Dong-hwi
Release Year: 2024
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